



來(lái)源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:日期:2023-08-28 0
Cable marker piles should be installed directly above the pipeline. When using cable marker piles as corner piles, they should be installed directly above the midpoint of the corner section. When there is no installation condition above the pipeline, they can be installed in a relatively close roadside green belt, and a schematic diagram of the pipe pile should be marked on the cable marker pile.
Cable marker posts should not be installed on fully enclosed roads, and the distance between cable marker posts should be 100m. In flat terrain with minimal visual disturbance and smooth roads, the installation distance of cable marker piles can be greater than 100m. In special areas, the laying of pipeline marker piles should be carried out systematically according to detailed laying standards!
Cable marker piles are mainly made of plastic steel and glass fiber reinforced plastic composite material buried along natural gas high-pressure pipelines, and are painted with yellow markings. To provide a warning effect, they are marked with the "Electronic Patrol Information Button for Gas Pipeline Gas Telephone Pipeline Pile Number and Pipeline Route", which is convenient for patrol and repair personnel to quickly locate the pipeline direction and win the opportunity for repair. According to Article 36 of the "Regulations on the Handling of Gas in Villages and Towns", Unauthorized dismantling and moving of cable markers buried on high-pressure natural gas pipelines is considered illegal. Why is it not necessary to protect fiberglass marker piles? Marker piles have become one of the indispensable equipment in social development, and their use can make our lives more civilized and reasonable.
In general, the use of marker stakes requires long-term effectiveness. If protection and handling are not carried out during the use period, a large number of marker stakes may be missing and damaged. Therefore, after the installation and use of marker stakes, we still need to pay attention to protection. The appearance of fiberglass profile marker piles makes protection and handling work easier. Due to the special appearance design of this product, it can be long-lasting without fading or falling off, and has low recycling value to avoid theft. Through these characteristics, the integrity of the marker piles can be guaranteed, and their service life can reach up to 30 years.
With the summary above the buried warning post, I hope it can be helpful to our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click on our website: http://tianyals.cn Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you

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