



來(lái)源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:日期:2024-05-22 0


Underground detection can improve the scientific management of water supply networks and provide detailed network diagrams and data for the operation and maintenance of underground pipelines. In order to efficiently and accurately explore underground pipelines, the following detection processes and principles should be followed:


(1) From known to unknown


When conducting pipeline detection, understand the basic situation within the construction area, collect and analyze pipeline data related to the construction area;


Conduct a survey of the construction area, identify areas where the laying of underground pipelines is known, conduct method experiments, and use the effectiveness and accuracy of this method to promote exploration work in unknown areas;


In the specific work, we also start from the known points (obvious points) of the pipeline and gradually explore the plane position and underground depth of the entire pipeline and even the entire pipeline network.


(2) From simple to complex


When conducting pipeline exploration work, priority should be given to selecting areas with fewer pipelines, less interference, and relatively simple conditions for work;


Gradually advance to areas with relatively complex conditions;



You can also start working from pipelines with more obvious points, usually drainage and communication pipelines.


(3) The method is effective, fast, and lightweight


When conducting underground exploration, in addition to mastering proficient technology and rich experience, we also need to conduct exploration based on the drawings, materials provided by the enterprise or the guidance of designated personnel. This will enable us to complete the work more effectively and quickly.


(4) Under relatively complex conditions, corresponding comprehensive methods should be adopted according to the degree of complexity


When we encounter complex environments such as intersections or pipelines during underground exploration, we should use at least two detection methods to improve the resolution of pipelines and the reliability of detection results.

  以上是關(guān)于 地埋探測(cè) 的介紹,若想了解相關(guān)知識(shí)可請(qǐng)點(diǎn)擊:http://tianyals.cn 我們將會(huì)全心全意為您提供滿分服務(wù),歡迎您的來(lái)電!

The above is an introduction to underground detection. If you want to learn more about related knowledge, please click: http://tianyals.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!

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