



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:日期:2022-09-09 0
The embedding of gas marker pile is an important project of power cable company, and this project is of great significance to the normal operation and management of the company's cable duct. Its existence can play the role of warning others and protecting buried cable pipelines. What are the general contents marked on the pile of this product?
Contents on pile:
There are many contents on the pile, which can be roughly divided into internal and external information. External information is the fundamental purpose of product installation. Therefore, it is necessary to include the type of pipeline, the name of the affiliated unit, warning words and contact number for reporting.
The name and contact number of the unit to which the pipeline belongs are stated so that other construction teams can contact the company or the public can timely notify the pipeline owner in case of accidents (such as damage to buried pipelines).
The warning words can include "there are cable ducts under, no excavation" and so on, which can serve as a warning to others. Internal information includes sign pile, pipeline area name, enterprise identification, etc. This content is for the convenience of the company's employees' future inspection work, which is mastered by the enterprise without strict requirements.
Functions of gas marker pile:
1. After it is installed, it can prompt and warn others.
2. If the underground buried pipeline is damaged, the line patrol and emergency repair personnel can quickly find the location of the underground buried pipeline according to the routing and pile number of the pipeline on the pile. And take measures in time to win the opportunity for rush repair.
3. Its installation can also facilitate the regular inspection of the staff of the management company of the underground buried pipeline.
4. If there is a construction team involved in the high-pressure pipeline area, the construction party can avoid the buried pipeline after seeing it. In order to avoid the damage of pipelines and maintain the safety of gas supply or power supply, if the construction party knows that there are buried pipelines under the ground and they are damaged, it needs to be legally responsible.
5. Generally, the name and telephone number of the management company will be marked on the pile. If any citizen finds that the underground pipeline is damaged. You can call the management company in time to avoid dangerous accidents.
What are generally marked on the gas sign pile? The above is the relevant content of the question. If you want to know anything about it, please come to our website http://tianyals.cn Consult!

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