



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:日期:2022-09-23 0
Buried detection warning tape, also known as marking tape, can effectively help various directly buried pipelines and cables to achieve safety protection. The quality of the warning tape buried underground is directly related to the safety of the pipeline. If you want to buy reliable buried detection warning tapes, the key points are as follows:
1. Look at the appearance.
No matter what safety tools and appliances are selected, their appearance cannot be ignored. The appearance, fixation effect and printing process of the product can reflect the quality of the product from the side.
The same is true for the selection of buried detection warning tapes. The high-quality buried detection warning tapes are usually more bright and eye-catching in appearance, and look very textured at first glance. No matter the printing color or text information, they will be clear, bright, full and even in color, and will not have the defects of printing color and font, nor will they have uneven typesetting.
If a buried detection warning tape fades when it is stained with water, or fades when it is scratched slightly, then the quality of such warning tape must not be up to standard.
2. Measure the toughness.
The buried detection warning tape is mostly laid near the underground pipe network, cable optical fiber and other facilities. The toughness of the warning tape means how high its ductility is and how much tension it can withstand.
A simple way to judge the toughness of a buried detection warning tape is to pull it directly. During the test, you can directly cut a small section of the warning tape sample, and two people pull it hard to carefully observe whether the warning tape will be easily broken and whether the metal wire wrapped in it will fall off easily.
The warning tape for buried detection with good quality will have a certain ductility, which is not easy to break, and the metal wire will not fall out of the warning tape easily.
3. Ask for materials.
Buried detection warning tape generally needs to be laid underground for a long time, and the underground environment is mostly dark and humid. If the materials used to make the warning tape are not corrosion resistant, it will bring considerable risks to the safety of the pipeline.
As a well-known manufacturer of safety tools and instruments in the industry, Jinneng Power will generally choose high-quality raw materials such as PE and PP as the main materials for buried detection warning tapes, because these polymer materials have high strength and aging resistance, especially after anti-corrosion treatment, their corrosion resistance is even better. Even if they have been buried underground for 50 years, there will be no corrosion.
The use of safe and national standard compliant buried detection warning tape can reduce the maintenance difficulty of the management and maintenance unit for the underground pipeline and ensure the safety of the underground pipeline network. If you are worried about selecting reliable buried detection warning tapes, please pay attention to our website http://tianyals.cn , providing you with a variety of high-quality warning tapes and other products.

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