



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:日期:2022-09-27 0
The winter is a very long season for water supply marker piles. The maintenance of marker piles deserves our attention. Therefore, our factory has made a detailed report based on this phenomenon for reference only, as follows:
1. For dry, cold and humid places, it is not allowed to prevent them from being outdoors. A warehouse should be prepared for storage, and the indoor temperature should be kept at about 20 ℃. If the temperature is too low, the service life will be reduced.
2. If it is plastic, it should be stored in bundles to save space and be hygienic. Sign piles should be stacked separately, and the stacking height should be kept at 2-3 meters.
3. After use, it should be cleaned in time, otherwise there will be cement stains left on it, which will damage the quality.
4. A folic acid tank shall be prepared for those with cement stains, which will be soaked. The cement stains will fall off naturally, and stored in a ventilated, dry and bright room.
In the process of practical application, we can extend the service life of through proper maintenance, so as to save production funds. During the operation of water supply marker piles, the punch is easy to appear broken, tortuous and gnawed, and the punch sleeve is generally gnawed. The damage of the punch and the punch sleeve is generally replaced with the same standard parts.
During the protection of the water supply sign pile, check the connection of the accessories at each part and whether there is any damage. If there is any damage, repair it in time. Check whether there is any air leakage on the pneumatic jacking material, and adopt measures for the detailed conditions.
There are two kinds of marker piles: marker piles and plastic marker piles. Nowadays, most of them are used to produce prefabricated marker piles. In people's minds, marker piles are a guide light that gives people an indication of direction and plays a certain role in protecting people's safety. If you have any questions, please come to our website http://tianyals.cn Consult!

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