



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:日期:2023-11-21 0
1、 材質(zhì)的選擇,標(biāo)志樁的常用材質(zhì)主要有玻璃鋼材質(zhì)、水泥材質(zhì)、塑鋼材質(zhì),選購之前應(yīng)按照甲方要求或者技術(shù)資料確定標(biāo)志樁材質(zhì)。
1. The selection of materials: The commonly used materials for sign piles include fiberglass, cement, and plastic steel. Before purchasing, the material of sign piles should be determined according to the requirements of Party A or technical information.
2、 規(guī)格的確定,標(biāo)志樁規(guī)格型號眾多,按照寬度、高度、厚度、印刷可以分成很多種,在選購之前應(yīng)講這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)都一一列清。
2. The determination of specifications includes numerous types of marker piles, which can be divided into many types based on width, height, thickness, and printing. Before purchasing, these standards should be clearly listed one by one.
3、 廠家的選定,所有都確定了就該選擇廠家了,一定要選擇老牌的、的生產(chǎn)廠家。
3. The selection of manufacturers, once everything is confirmed, it's time to choose a manufacturer. It's important to choose an established and professional manufacturer.
Below is an introduction to the product specifications of fiberglass marker piles:
1、 Specification of fiberglass marker piles
1. Common shapes: square, circle, triangle
2. Common heights: 1m, 1.2m, 1.4m, 1.5m
3. Common widths: 10cm, 12cm, 14cm, 15cm
(Can process and customize various specifications)
2、 Basic characteristics of fiberglass marker piles:
(1) The fiberglass marker pile is made of high-strength glass fiber and specialized resin, which are one-time extruded or molded.
(2) Fiberglass marker piles have high strength, light weight, and resistance to various substances, resulting in a service life of up to 30 years.
(3) The appearance of fiberglass marker piles is beautiful and the colors are bright. The products can be processed in various colors, and the colors are formed in one go without falling off. The font and pattern are clear.
(4) Fiberglass marker piles have low density and light weight, making them easy to transport and install, greatly reducing labor intensity and improving work efficiency.
(5) The fiberglass marker pile is naturally anti-theft, and this material has no recycling value, making it naturally anti-theft.
(6) FRP marker posts have excellent performance, convenient processing and wide use, and their physical properties such as rigidity, elasticity, corrosion resistance and aging resistance are excellent.
3、 Specification for setting up fiberglass marker piles (on non cement road surfaces)
1. Fiberglass marker piles should be installed directly above the pipe position, and the surface of the pile should be clean and the warning words should be clear. If it is not allowed to place fiberglass marker piles directly above the pipe position, they can be translated, and the translation distance should be noted. Short stakes can be set in green belts below 40cm, while long stakes can be set in green belts or fields above 40cm.
2. The fiberglass marker pile should be buried horizontally and vertically above the underground pipeline, with a deviation of no more than 2 centimeters from the left to the right within the visible length.
3. The deviation between the top of the fiberglass marker pile and the ground shall not exceed 5 centimeters for short piles or 85 centimeters for long piles.
4. The spacing between fiberglass marker piles is 50m (with a longitudinal deviation of no more than 0.15m), and the deviation from the centerline of the pipe position is no more than 0.25m. Mark piles must be buried at the starting and ending points, tees, and corners of underground pipelines.
5. The warning signs and contact phone numbers on the fiberglass marker pile must face the road or the direction that pedestrians can see at the first time.
This article is dedicated to the friendship of gas marker piles. For more relevant knowledge, please click on: http://tianyals.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned

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