



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:日期:2023-04-13 0
Sign piles, also known as warning piles, identification piles, and sign piles, are commonly used as route indication signs for buried pipelines in power, communication, gas, tap water, and railways. A new type of product used for outdoor, green belts, shrubs, and pipeline path indication on both sides of top pipes, serving as a warning.
Classified by purpose: cable marker piles, oil and gas marker piles, communication marker piles, optical cable marker piles, tap water marker piles, railway marker piles, and highway mileage piles. Mainly classified based on the purpose of the product and the content printed on it.
According to materials, it can be divided into cement marker piles, plastic steel marker piles, and composite material marker piles. Composite material marker piles are further divided into: magnesite marker piles, fiberglass marker piles, resin Gaza marker piles, and resin marker piles..
Pipeline marker piles are generally used for the construction of water, oil, gas, and other pipelines. After the pipeline is completed, in order to facilitate the maintenance and repair of the pipeline, the accurate position of the pipeline is found by relying on the pipeline marker piles set up along the line. Pipeline marker stakes mainly include corner stakes, mileage stakes, protection test stakes, etc. When crossing railways, highways, large rivers, cables, and other pipelines, marker stakes should be set up. For all corners, marker stakes should be set up. Long term marker mileage stakes should be set up throughout the entire kilometer of the pipeline. In the construction process of some dangerous goods transportation pipelines, pipeline marker stakes also serve as protection test stakes.

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