



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:日期:2024-08-06 0


The pipeline warning tape is a metal detectable warning tape, also known as a tracer tape, which contains metal wires and can have a detection effect. The product is made of high-strength and anti-aging polymer materials, mainly made of PE, PP, OPP, and processed with anti-corrosion treatment. It has good corrosion resistance, bright and eye-catching color, and can be laid underground for 50 years without corrosion or fading.


Product: Underground warning tape, tracer tape;


Width: 10cm-150cm;


Thickness: 0.1mm, 0.12mm, 0.15mm, 0.2mm;


Color: mostly red on a yellow background;


Service life: 30-50 years;


Specification: 500 meters per roll;


Characteristics of buried warning tape

1. 多功能應(yīng)用,可用于探測地下燃?xì)?、地下電纜、地下水管等;

1. Multi functional application that can be used to detect underground gas, underground cables, underground water pipes, etc;

2. 色澤鮮艷,厚薄均勻,拉伸強(qiáng)度高;

2. Bright color, uniform thickness, high tensile strength;

3. 幫助施工人員正確探測到地下管道所處的位置;

3. Assist construction personnel in correctly detecting the location of underground pipelines;

4. 采用鋁箔、PE、PVC等材料,使帶子更加堅韌不易拉斷。

4. Use materials such as aluminum foil, PE, PVC, etc. to make the tape more durable and less prone to breakage.



How to construct buried warning tape


1. The installation of warning tape is convenient, and construction and pipe laying are carried out simultaneously. It is laid 30-50cm above the pipeline between the buried and underground pipelines, serving as a warning sign to prevent unnecessary damage to the pipeline during excavation and construction in the future, which may cause major accidents. It also avoids huge property and economic losses caused by accidental damage. It is an economical, effective, and simple product for the safety protection of various directly buried pipelines and cables.


2. This finished product has the characteristics of low cost, light weight, strong flexibility, corrosion resistance, long service life, and convenient construction. It can accurately detect the laying position and layout direction of various pipelines buried underground without excavating the target roadbed before construction. Widely applicable to various underground pipelines such as gas, electricity, telecommunications cables, water pipes, etc. And it effectively prevents damage during excavation of already laid pipelines and unnecessary casualties or economic losses caused by blind and unchanging construction of new pipelines, with good practical value.


3. Warning tape is divided into ordinary warning tape and detectable warning tape. The detectable warning tape has an aluminum foil interlayer in the middle, with a width of about 5-8cm. After laying, a metal detector can be used at a height of about 10cm from the ground to detect the direction of the warning tape, which indicates the direction of the pipeline. Users can customize different sizes and print custom LOGO text according to their needs.

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