



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:日期:2024-05-15 0


Traceable gas pipeline warning tape is widely used in urban water supply and drainage, heat, tap water discharge, directly buried gas pipelines, oil pipelines, power (high and low voltage,) communication cables and optical cables (telecommunications, mobile, China Unicom, China Railway, network, broadcasting and television), and other fifth category transportation systems and information transmission systems related to national economy and people's livelihood. It is used for warning and protection during construction and pipeline burial, buried between the ground and pipelines, playing a role in marking and warning, detecting pipeline positions, and avoiding accidental excavation and damage to pipelines. Especially for various complex urban pipeline construction sites, road construction sites, and directly buried pipelines in fields, it has a clear protective warning effect.


The function of setting up a gas pipeline warning tape 0.3 to 0.5 meters above the top of the buried gas pipeline:



1. When excavating and constructing, if a gas pipeline warning tape is dug, it indicates that there is a gas pipeline 0.3 to 0.5 meters below, which serves as a warning and protection.


2. Tracing effect. When searching for buried gas pipelines, locate the gas pipeline warning tape to locate the pipeline. Played a tracer role.

  3、現(xiàn)在的燃?xì)夤艿谰編в惺聚櫨€, 利用測試儀器在不開挖的情況下,準(zhǔn)確為管道定位。

3. The current gas pipeline warning is equipped with a tracer line, which uses testing instruments to accurately locate the pipeline without excavation.

以上就是有關(guān) 燃?xì)夤艿谰編?/a> 的介紹,想了解更多的內(nèi)容請點擊:http://tianyals.cn 我們將會全心全意為您提供滿分服務(wù),歡迎您的來電!

The above is an introduction to gas pipeline warning tapes. To learn more, please click: http://tianyals.cn We will wholeheartedly provide you with full score service. Welcome to call us!

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