



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:日期:2024-09-02 0


Recently, cable marker posts produced by marker post manufacturers have been added along the green belts in many places. They are like security personnel, warning and protecting the safety of underground cables. This is a comprehensive measure to address hidden dangers in underground cables; With development, underground cables are ubiquitous in every corner, making management difficult. In the initial construction, cable marker posts were far apart and not clear enough, which often led to cable damage. Therefore, let's take a look at the regulations for the spacing between cable marker posts.



The position and spacing of cable marker posts shall comply with the following regulations:


1. The cable marker post should be installed directly above the pipeline. When used as a corner post, it should be installed directly above the midpoint of the corner section. When there are no installation conditions directly above the pipeline, it can be installed in a relatively nearby roadside green belt, and a schematic diagram of the pipe pile should be marked on the cable marker post.


2. Cable marker posts should not be installed on fully enclosed restricted roads, and the installation distance of cable marker posts should be 100m. On flat ground with minimal visual interference and straight roads, the installation distance of cable marker posts can be greater than 100m. In special areas, pipeline marker posts should be systematically laid according to specific laying standards!


3. Cable marker posts are cable route marker posts buried along natural gas high-pressure pipelines, mainly made of plastic steel, fiberglass, and composite materials, and coated with yellow markings. In order to serve as a warning, they are marked with "gas pipeline, gas telephone, pipeline pile number, pipeline route, and electronic inspection information button" to facilitate line inspection and repair personnel to quickly locate the pipeline position and win the repair opportunity. According to Article 36 of the Urban Gas Management Regulations, it is illegal to dismantle and move cable marker posts buried on natural gas high-pressure pipelines without authorization.


Why do fiberglass marker posts not require maintenance


The marker post has become one of the indispensable devices in social development. Using it can make our lives more civilized and management more reasonable.


In general, the use of marker posts requires long-term effectiveness. If maintenance and management are not carried out during use, a large number of marker posts may be missing and damaged. Therefore, after installing and using marker posts, we still need to pay attention to maintenance.


The appearance of fiberglass profile marker posts makes maintenance and management easier. Due to the special appearance design of this product, it can last for a long time without fading or falling off, and has low recycling value, which can prevent theft. Through these characteristics, the integrity of the marker post can be guaranteed, and its service life can be up to 30 years.


This article is a friendly contribution from the water supply sign post. For more related knowledge, please click: http://tianyals.cn/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with excellent service. We will gradually contribute more knowledge to you. Please stay tuned

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