



來(lái)源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:日期:2023-05-27 0
Gas warning tapes and tracing lines are tools used for safety identification and tracing in gas pipeline systems, and their functions are as follows:
燃?xì)饩編В℅as Warning Tape):燃?xì)饩編ǔJ且环N帶有鮮明顏色和可見(jiàn)的標(biāo)志,用于覆蓋在埋地燃?xì)夤艿赖纳戏?。其作用是提醒人們?cè)诘叵逻M(jìn)行施工或挖掘時(shí),該區(qū)域存在燃?xì)夤艿溃⑻嵝阉麄儾扇≈?jǐn)慎措施,避免對(duì)燃?xì)夤艿涝斐蓳p壞,從而引發(fā)事故。
Gas Warning Tape: A gas warning tape is usually a brightly colored and visible sign used to cover buried gas pipelines. Its function is to remind people of the presence of gas pipelines in the area during underground construction or excavation, and to take cautious measures to avoid damage to gas pipelines, thereby causing safety accidents.
示蹤線(Tracer Wire):示蹤線是一種導(dǎo)電線或?qū)Ь€,通常埋入地下與燃?xì)夤艿酪煌佋O(shè)。它的作用是在需要對(duì)燃?xì)夤艿肋M(jìn)行定位或追蹤時(shí),提供一條可追蹤的路徑。通過(guò)電流或探測(cè)設(shè)備,可以檢測(cè)示蹤線的位置,從而確定燃?xì)夤艿赖淖呦蚝臀恢?,以便進(jìn)行維護(hù)、修理或其他操作。
Tracer Wire: A tracer wire is a type of conductive wire or wire, usually buried underground and laid together with a gas pipeline. Its function is to provide a traceable path when it is necessary to locate or track gas pipelines. By using current or detection equipment, the position of the tracer line can be detected to determine the direction and position of the gas pipeline for maintenance, repair, or other operations.
These safety signs and tracing tools play an important role in gas pipeline systems, improving the safety of construction and maintenance processes, and helping to reduce accidental damage to gas pipelines. When carrying out any work related to underground construction or excavation, attention must be paid to checking and following relevant safety signs and tracing lines to ensure the safety of personnel and the environment.

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