



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:日期:2022-09-02 0
As an indispensable safety warning product for buried oil and natural gas pipelines, the buried warning tape has not been replaced for more than ten years. Precisely because of its excellent product characteristics, the warning tape is made of PE (polyethylene) particles, so its anti-corrosion performance is good, which can ensure that it will not be decomposed for 30-50 years. What are the key factors that determine the quality of the warning tape, Let me explain it for you:
First of all, PE (polyethylene) particles, the raw material of the warning tape, have good properties. They are odorless, non-toxic, and feel like wax. They have excellent low-temperature resistance (low use temperature can reach - 100 ~ - 70 ° C). They can still maintain good mechanical properties at - 60 ° C, and the use temperature is 80 ~ 110 ° C. It has good chemical stability and can resist most acid-base corrosion (not oxidizing acid). It is insoluble in general solvents at normal temperature, with small water absorption and excellent electrical insulation. It will not rot after being buried underground for 30 years.
Furthermore, the process. Most of the film blowing equipment are new three-layer coextrusion equipment, which can ensure the transverse and longitudinal tear strength of the semi-finished warning tape. At the same time, the thickness and width of the product can be effectively controlled according to the technical documents, and the cost will not be increased due to exceeding the standard.
Then there is the printing process. If the warning tape is not well controlled in the printing process, it will fade after being buried underground with the pipeline for 3-5 years, which will not serve as a warning.
After reading the above three key factors, we also have technical assessment standards when purchasing warning tapes. Thank you for reading. Our company has provided warning tapes for many multi-point pipelines in China in the past ten years since its establishment. It has been 10 years since the first supply. Now, we can maintain all performance indicators of warning tapes during excavation, which has been highly recognized by customers.
The above is all the content shared this time. Please pay attention to our official website for more information http://tianyals.cn , to answer more questions in use for you, so that you can better use the warning tape for construction.

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