



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:日期:2024-05-20 0


What does industrial water supply mean?


Industrial water supply refers to the industry that provides water services to industrial and mining enterprises, factories, and brewing enterprises. These enterprises require a large amount of water for processing and production, so the amount of water required for industrial water supply is relatively high, with corresponding requirements for water quality, water pressure, water temperature, etc. Unlike drinking water supply, industrial water supply places more emphasis on the stability and reliability of water supply to ensure normal production.


The content of industrial water supply includes various types such as clean water, softened water, and ultrapure water. Clear water is mainly used for cooling, flushing, cleaning and other processes in industrial production, while softened water is mainly used for boiler heating and evaporation processes to reduce the impact of scale and rust on equipment. Ultra pure water is mainly used in manufacturing processes in high-tech fields such as electronics, optics, and medicine, requiring very high purity of water quality.



With the continuous development and acceleration of industrial production, the industrial water supply market will continue to show rapid growth. In the future, industrial water supply will pay more attention to the rational utilization and conservation of water resources, fully leverage the role of water-saving equipment and new technologies, and support national industrial policies and environmental protection requirements. On this basis, industrial water supply will further improve the service level of water quality and quantity to meet the growing demand.

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