



來(lái)源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:日期:2022-12-31 0
In recent years, with the continuous development of economy, the urbanization construction has ushered in a rapid development. The city's underground pipelines of water, electricity, gas and heat constitute the "lifeline" of the whole city. Due to the increase of environmental protection in China, natural gas has entered a stage of rapid development, and the scale of urban natural gas infrastructure in China is also expanding. The city gas pipeline is responsible for the city's energy supply, information transmission, life development, and is inseparable from our life and production. Therefore, the installation of unified gas transmission and distribution pipeline signs is very important for daily management and safety identification.
Buried warning piles, also known as identification piles and marker piles, are commonly used for the route indication signs of buried pipelines in electric power, communication, gas, tap water and railway. It is a new type of product used for outdoor, green belt, bush, and pipe jacking to indicate the path of the two side lines and play a warning role. It mainly consists of cable marker pile, oil and gas marker pile, communication marker pile, optical cable marker pile, tap water marker pile, railway marker pile, highway mileage pile, etc.
As most of the urban pipe network is buried underground, if there is no sign, it is easy to cause damage to the pipeline due to third-party construction, which will lead to accidents. The accident rate warns us all the time that we should change the management mode.
The safety protection measures should also further use modern science and technology as a guarantee. In addition to strengthening the pipeline maintenance and management, regular maintenance and inspection should also be carried out to ensure the safety of residents' personal and property, and timely solve problems found. Especially in the construction of construction projects, safety awareness should be strengthened. The sign is mainly composed of graphics, characters or safety colors, which is easy to understand and identify.
Pipeline signs are widely used in the safety management of facilities, mainly in the following aspects: First, they can play a role in publicity and make common sense deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; Second, the safety rights and interests are guaranteed to improve people's awareness of pipeline facilities protection; Third, it is convenient to realize the functions of pipeline operation and service, and improve the safety and convenience of the pipeline; Fourth, it plays the role of strong evidence.
So far as the necessity of buried warning piles is concerned, what do you think about it? If you have any doubt or need, please come to our website http://tianyals.cn Get to know!

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