Road crossing stakes, also known as warning stakes, distinguish between red and white warning stakes and yellow and black warning stakes. Common colors of warning stakes on roads include red and white, yellow and black, and blue and white. So, what are the differences between these colors and where are they suitable for use. We found in some reference promotion information that these colors represent that the yellow and black warning posts mainly remind people not to occupy the road, not to easily enter places outside the passage, and to pay special attention.
Red and white warning posts are mainly used on both sides of the road crossing, with two on each side. The red and white stripes indicate that people cannot enter dangerous areas, and areas with fire protection facilities and fire exits cannot be obstructed. When installing road warning posts, they should be placed straight, and if there is a leveling rod used for decoration, it should be used to lean against them. The blue and white warning posts are also quite eye-catching, used to remind people to be prepared before entering the area, and to observe and listen in all directions.
After installing the yellow and black warning posts, do not move them anymore. Even if parking is not possible, it is important to find a suitable location for the red and white warning posts. Blue and white warning posts remind people to pay attention. So generally speaking, the red and white signs indicate prohibition, with a high level of danger. The yellow and black markings indicate warnings, while the blue and green markings indicate safety. The hazard level is low. In vertical comparison, there are more places where red and white warning posts are used, and fewer places where blue and white warning posts are used.