



來(lái)源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:日期:2023-02-28 0
The role of the pipeline warning tape is to serve as a warning. It is generally laid at 10-30 cm above the pipeline. When there is excavation, the warning tape is found to know that there is a pipeline below. The warning tape with metal wire is mainly used on non-metallic pipes, which is convenient for routine inspection, identification and detection of instruments.
In particular, it has significant safety protection warning effect on the construction site of pipeline network, pavement construction site, road traffic accident on-site maintenance, engineering construction site of capital construction, and directly buried pipeline in the field.
Its engineering construction is convenient, and the engineering construction and pipe threading are carried out separately. It is buried in the middle of the ground and the pipeline, and paved at 30-50cm above the pipeline. It has the function of warning signs to prevent unnecessary damage to the pipeline during the construction of the foundation pit excavation in the future, which will lead to major safety accidents, and prevent the loss of assets and property due to accidental damage. It is the economic development of various direct-buried pipelines and cable safety protection is reasonable Simple and easy tools.
In addition, text or pattern can be customized according to customer needs. Buried warning tape is mainly used to protect underground pipelines such as water pipes, gas pipes, underground oil pipes, etc. Buried warning tape contains metal detectability function, which can allow construction personnel to correctly detect the location of underground pipelines. You can also customize the width according to the customer's requirements. Different logos can be customized according to customer requirements. It is corrosion resistant and oil resistant. It is used for marking the warning area on the ground. The colors are red, yellow and English letters.
This is the content of the pipeline warning tape introduced for you. If you have any questions or needs, please come to our website http://tianyals.cn consulting service

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