



來源:http://tianyals.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:日期:2023-03-07 0
1. Light weight, corrosion resistance, aging resistance, good sealing performance, safe and beautiful, with all-weather protection function, can meet the needs of various harsh environments and places in outdoor engineering projects
2.具備優(yōu)異的絕緣材料,高性能的絕緣電阻防止漏電,在高頻下能保持良好的介電性能,不反射,不阻斷微波的傳播,不生銹 長期使用.
2. It has excellent insulating materials and high performance insulation resistance to prevent leakage. It can maintain good dielectric properties at high frequency, without reflection, blocking the transmission of microwave, and rust. It is safe for long-term use
3. It has good corrosion resistance and can resist water, gasoline, alcohol, electrolytic salt, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium potassium compounds, urine and asphalt. It is suitable for various acid-base soils. Rain proof products have good aging resistance,、

4.抗沖擊力強(qiáng),撞擊不變形,有很高的拉伸強(qiáng)度,彎曲強(qiáng)度和沖擊韌性,, 完全可以滿足戶外使用。
4. Strong impact resistance, no deformation during impact, high tensile strength, bending strength and impact toughness, which can completely meet the safety of outdoor use.
5. It is light in weight, suitable for handling, easy to install and prevent theft. The material has no recycling value and is naturally anti-theft. It can effectively solve the problem of underground important facilities being cut off, and has significant social and economic benefits
6. Fully meet the requirements of environmental protection materials to meet the needs of future development. Safety warning signs with obvious luminous effect shall be printed on the pile surface; It complements the deficiency of cement marker piles.
With the summary above the buried warning post, I hope it can help our customers. If you have any questions or need help, please click our website: http://tianyals.cn Or call for consultation, and we will do our best to solve it for you

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